Welcome to Find Your Lite Wellness & Beauty!


I am so happy that you’ve stopped by my corner of the internet-there are so many other places you could be right now so thanks for taking your precious time to kick it with me! I’m grateful that you’re here.

My name is Safia and I started Find Your Lite in late 2019 early 2020. The concept of FYL birthed out of my healing journey exploring various mindfulness practices. At the time I was going through a hella tough time. I was feeling stuck, and also seeing my life unravel right before my eyes. I knew it was time to “sweep around ya own front door” as the elders say! It was time I made dramatic shifts to get me to a life I knew deep in my heart I was ready to live.

At the time I began this process I was working fulltime as a Nail Artist at a popular Hollywood nail shop. I was working on my client and we were talking about healing from childhood traumas, growing in life and exploring new experiences. As we shared she said to me “wow it sounds like you’re finding your light” and I was like “yea it does feel that way”. Something about those words “finding your light” stuck with me and every time I thought about them they felt good in my heart. I was inspired by what the phrase represented for me- new life, new direction and a new discovery of me.

And so now after 4 1/2 years of going through the in’s and out’s of healing I have truly come to learn a few things about finding lite in the darkest hours life can throw our way. I look forward to sharing some of that with you.

10 things about me:

I’m from Gary, IN

I’m a August Leo

I love papillons

My favorite color is FYL Bleu

I love Batman & Erykah Badu

I can make a great playlist

My Human Design is Projector

I love to watch Sumo Wrestling

I’m a only child

A great scent can make my day

I’m really excited to share my journey with you, let’s learn, heal, and grow!

Live Lite,



What is a healing journey and why should I start on one?