When it hurts so bad…

I can’t lie ya’ll the healing journey can have you down bad it really does hurt to get to the root causes of our emotional pains.

I believe one of the reason healing hurts is because for the first time ever the things that have affected you are finally coming to the surface. The body and mind are now having the opportunity to  recognize and feel what you’ve gone through. I’m not a psychologist but there is thing called “survival mode” you’ve probably heard of it- Survival mode is caused by traumatic experiences and constant stress. Most of us are in survival mode in some way shape or form because we’ve all been through something and are probably going through something right now! When you’re going through it you can tend to feel like you’re barely making it through the day. The feeling is heavy but you power through because life keeps moving. Well in order to start to begin unraveling from that way of being you’re going to need a little bit of courage and rest from the constant pressure and stress that has been prevalent for so many years. Here is when you tap into the “WHERE” (see previous post) to help you begin to unpack and make it through one day at a time.

Healing is not linear, some days are bad but there also some really great days too! There came a point in my journey when my good days did start to outweigh my bad days, and that felt wonderful!

Looking back I now know it was because I did the deep and vulnerable work of talking to a therapist, implementing new ways of thinking and being into my life, praying specific prayers, mediating to clear my mind and so many other practices. All of my hard work was not in vain and neither is yours! Everyday will present its challenges (new and old) and as hard as it does get at times making the choice to pull yourself up and back together again is a good place to be in.

Personally I’ve come too far to let anyone or anything break my spirit. So trust and believe you’ve got this, and go through it! Keep living for your healing, and the joy and peace that comes with it. Our lives are so much better for going into the deepest parts of ourselves. Cherish what you learn, give yourself grace-you’re doing you best, and hold onto to God’s hand.

Live Lite,



Mindful Stretch is at Groundfloor LA!


What is a healing journey and why should I start on one?